The Climate Change Challenge

Venturi Renewable Energy contributes to limiting our impact on the global climate by supporting and accelerating the implementation of renewable energy projects to power our development and our well-being. 

That climate change is caused by the rising concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is beyond doubt. Global temperature and Arctic sea ice are continuing their decades-long trends of change: the warmest years on record have occurred since 2001 and the extent of Arctic sea ice at the peak of the summer is half that of the early 1980s (NASA).

We must strive to act, individually as well as collectively, to limit global average temperature rise to less than 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels whilst at the same time continuing to adapt to the effects of climate change. 


The Business of Renewable Energy

The renewable energy sector is an increasingly important area for deal-making as companies and investors respond to the growing role of renewable sources of energy in meeting both global demand and the challenge of climate change.

The convergence of rising electricity costs from traditional sources and the decreasing cost of renewable energy is continuing to open new opportunities to both seasoned companies and new players. 

On the buy-side, investment funds are seeking to invest in projects and companies while utilities are incentivized to increase the volume of renewable generation in their portfolios. On the sell-side, developers are finding their initiatives are highly valued by investors who are entering pre- or post-construction.

Why Venturi Renewable Energy Ltd?

Knowledge and experience from within this industry are essential to run transactions efficiently through to a completion which delivers planned objectives. We have extensive experience and a thorough understanding of the renewables business enabling us to fully understand and detail the Client’s objectives translating these into better deals.

Many different aspects need to be analysed and understood requiring a broad spectrum of expertise. Venturi brings joined-up thinking to the transaction process, uncovering any gaps in third party advice, avoiding gaps in risk analysis, identifying opportunities for improving efficiency and reliability, reducing cost and ultimately delivering results that match or exceed expectations.  For either Buyer or Seller, Venturi provides full support throughout the range of transaction processes.